Our Customers are our priority...

Policy on returning and discarding DNA samples:

Unless otherwise agreed on:
1. The DNA samples we receive for sequencing and/or other processing will not be returned to you. If requested, we will return leftover samples at your expense.
2. We will retain your samples for 30 days, in case additional reactions are needed. After the period, we will discard your samples using generally established procedures for safe disposal of DNA templates.
3. For DNA prep plates, we will retain your DNA plates for up to 6 months. If you request to have your plate(s) returned to you, we will do so following mini prep and sequencing. For the larger scale preps (Midi-Giga), we will store a 1/10x dilution of each of the DNA samples in our freezer following the preparation. We will hold onto all samples for up to 2 years.